Science of Movies: Common Subtitles or Chat Abbreviations

Monday, 2 July 2018

Common Subtitles or Chat Abbreviations

SAR - sent as received
HBD - happy birthday
FWIW - for what it's worth
J4F - just for fun
FYI@(name) - for your information (name)
^5 - high five
CUL - see you later
BRB - be right back
BBS - be back soon
BBL - be back later
ROFL - rolling on the floor
Lol - Laughing out loud
BTW - by the way
B/W - between
HAND - have a nice day
TTYL - talk to you later
MYOB - mind your own business
*WS - wrongly sent
Zzzzz - sleeping or bores
IMHO - in my humble opinion
W8 - wait
<3 - love
ASL - age, sex, location
ASAP - as soon as possible
OTW - on the way
TYAL - thank you a lot

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