A Brief Explanations of unique conversation between Stephen and Jane....
Stephen : You see how the men's shirt fronts and their bow ties, how they glow more than the Women's dresses ?
Jane : yes !
Stehen : Do you know why ?
- Tide
Jane : The Washing Powder ?
Stephen : The fluorescence in the washing powder is caught by the UV light.
Explanation -
One of the most famous brands of detergents TIDE was created in Procter & Gamble facilities during 1920s, but entered mass production in 1943. It was regarded as one of the best detergents that can clean even heavily soiled clothes.
Tide is made out of surfactant molecules, which have two components -
Water Friendly and Anti - Water
Water Friendly ingredient is called Hydrophilic and breaks the water's surface tension.
The Anti - Water component which is also known as Hydrophobic, attracts soils and stains, freeing from the various types of fabrics.
In original Tide, we will also find the fluorescent whitening agents to help the brighten clothes, enzymes to remove tougher stains such as blood or grass marks, and various fragrances to help provide a fresh scent.
The markets where Tide is sold are, United States, Canada, Europe, Latin America, India, Israel, Morocco, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Vietnam.
Such type of tide detergents works as an emulsifier, it bridges the water and oil particles that enable the dirt to become captured in oil and thus extracted from clothes.
Tide Free also includes Ethanol, Monoethanolamine, Sodium Borate decahydrate and Sodium Hydroxide again, for a complete ingredient list. In this list we will also find the Active Ingredients including Hydrogen Peroxide, which can be controversial in the arenas of personal health and environmental responsibility.
Detergents don't have normal soaps such as sodium stearate etc.
Some of the detergents are not Biodegradable. It has strong clean action.
Detergents easily foam with hard water because they don't make insoluble Calcium or Magnesium ions to reacting with Calcium or Magnesium ions present in hard water.
Detergents are made from Hydrocarbons with long chain derived from Petroleum.
Detergents work on dirty cloth oil make mussels and make water soluble.
Detergents are the Sodium salt of long - chained Benzene Sulphonic acids.